Potty Alert : Shayla Goes on Her Own

Yes, the day has finally arrived. Shayla went in her potty (poo-poo) all on her own today. It was not the usual 'fake out' to which we are so accustomed. It took us a minute to realize that it actually took place. Yay. There is hope.
     'Pull-ups' (the diaper-to-'real'-underwear liason) are on the way. Do we dare get excited? We probably shouldn't as there's a lot more learning yet to be had in the subsequent 'sub steps', such as wiping your own butt so as not to be surprised by the eventual chapping and chaffing--ouch! I'm sure there's more as I'm destined to discover.
      .......Onward Through the Baby Powder.

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.