Potty Training: Domesticating the Animal Within

Our 34 mo. old daughter Shayla is, I think--and I say this with humble reserve--about 1/2 way through her process of potty training. Maybe I'm being a little over optimistic on this one, but there IS progress being made. I know that there will still be incidents, but I think we are almost on the other side of this hill of 'fear of the act of defecation'. So far that seems to be the biggest hurdle in this adventure. The "I don't Want to go" vs. "I Have to go" discovery.
We had another successful defecation today, but it took a lot of coercion and patient potty sitting. I think it's starting to dawn on her how easy this all really is. I know that she likes that we don't have to do a lot of residual clean up when she does go in the potty. Hopefully it's starting to make sense to her.
I've discovered that coralling the animal, ie. getting her In the bathroom once she starts using her hand as a bum ornament is highly advisable since there is only so much "I don't want to" that can be said before it doesn't actually matter what you 'want'. Then, I've found that taking the pressure off this highly personal activity is also helpful like talking about what we're going to do once we're done here in the bathroom. We twiddle our fingers and make little people chit chat and then before you know it the moment has arrived and there's no turning back. "It's okay; hold my hand and squeeze" , I say in consolation. Then at the end, as always there is much happiness and rejoicing and high fives. Smiles and stickers are passed around. Fun, fun, fun. :)
The next stage we are looking too once this is tacked down will be the 'always in panties' stage where we'll be in panties Out of the House as well. We're not there yet...One Day at a Time.