Pre-K Separation Anxiety

Shayla has been really excited for the past several weeks about her upcoming daily Pre-K schedule. Yesterday however, she was expressing a little concern over being away from the home nest for hours everyday. We assured her that it would be fun and that she would love it. We are pretty sure that she will. It does, though, bring back memories of my own fear of stepping out into the wild blue yonder without my mom for hours every single day. Even at 44 years of age I can still remember that feeling: a little trepidation mixed with a slightly chilly internal wind.

It'll be okay My Sweetness. Mommy and Daddy are here for you......


She's changing some, she told me she didn't want to go to school, even the yoga/art, which she loved the first go round. She said she just wanted to stay home. This too will change. I pray she loves school, once into it. This is really new for her, as she has always been ready to do diffenernt things. Her Mommy was a little like that, and I was also. Love, Mom/Grandma
So sweet' your sentiments, Sean! No doubt there is an adjustment period, but it will all be fine. I love you!

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