Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. Why not just play a Recording of Daddy Talking?

Why my 3 yr. old daughter asks the same question over and over and over just to get the same answer over and over and over is beyond me (Not really 'beyond me', it's probably phonetics training or something, but c'mon!?). Daddy feels like a 'repeater' device. Daddy IS a repeater device. :)
Added to this is that our daughter is a very verbal child to start with. I have never talked so much in all my adult life as I do now,...maybe combined. Also, there aren't answers for every question she asks. "Because" can quickly become The Answer to a variety of these 'mysteries'. It's pretty funny what you wind up sounding like when you listen to yourself. Thank God for on-line encyclopedias for the actual ones. The rest, just summon your patience and wing it.
After answering the same question 4 or 5 times with the response still being, "Huh?", I resort to, "I don't know; you tell me". That seems to work pretty well for taking her out of the question mode and into the thinking mode. Many times she'll say, "I don't know". So then, I'll repeat the answer again and she'll say, "Yeah" and then repeat it back to me. Then I say, "That's Right"! On other occasions she'll just keep asking, so I'll retort, "I don't know, it's a mystery to me too". Session ended.