Scared of Poo

It's funny when we think of it now, but there was probably a time when all of us were scared of poop. What's happening to my body? Are my insides falling out of me? What is this stuff anyway?
Our daughter is going through this now at 33 mos. old. She has successfully evacuated a few times on her own potty, but the fear of the activity has now caught up with her. Hmmm. Fun for us. Lucky for us she's an 'every other day' pooper. We're not using diapers in- house at this time, so we're always on the lookout for the potty 'dance' to start up any moment.
The potty dance is that special jig that you have to watch out for out of the corner of your eye. It's not even that simple because even when you Do see it, 3/4 of the time Shayla tells us we are wrong even when she's hopping around the house clearly having to cope with somekind--either no. 1 or 2--of internal dillema. She really doesn't have much of an issue of going to the potty to pee other than timing. We are trying to teach her that "I have to go pee" means I have Not Yet Gone, not "Hey, by the way, I am going right now. " Sounds funny, huh? Just so you know It isn't! So we are trying to be hyper-vigilant without adding any obvious tension to the learning process. :) That's a little bit of a task in itself as we are not willing to cover the sofa with plastic. :) Cheers!
She'll pee and poo in the potty consistently when she's good and ready. Hopefully that'll come sooner than later. (Smiling) ....Until then she's kind of like a small animal. :)