Shayla Goes For Her First Sleep-Over Outside of Extended Family!

We are excited for our daughter, even if we have to remind ourselves to take deep breaths when thinking about this little adventure that our daughter is going on. Shayla's friend and her mom are coming in about half an hour to pick her up. She is so excited and we, her parents, are wondering what in the world we are going to do with ourselves---and in the middle of the week!?

....I think it's going to be okay. I trust that we'll figure out what to do with our time.

Hooray for Shayla! She continues to grow and develop....and now she is making some potentially really good friends. :)


We haven't heard yet if the other parents got any sleep last night or not... We sure hope that they did! Of course we expect the same also when we are the 'hosting' family to these activities! Hopefully it all went well.

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