Shayla on Total Family Stimulation

Being in an unfamiliar setting for a toddler used to routine sure is a workout for us parents. God help us.
     Shayla usually doesn't sleep in the same room with us, but of course she is with our 'cabin' arrangement here at Pine Lodge. I think Shayla took it a bit as a slight that she wasn't able to sleep in her bed, but in the converted 'pack-n-play' instead. Needless to say that didn't last long, as soon she was sleeping on Mommy's side of the 'trundle bed' and then talking, sitting up, and then doing 360s on her side kicking mommy in the back, then the head, not to mention the Thunderstorm and lightning strikes that lasted all the way 'till pre- dawn. You can imagine the rest. "How'd y'all sleep last night?", some asked. "We didn't, really", we said, smiling.
     I think that if we make it out of our Personal Parental Boot Camp alive.....we are going to be some Super Folks. I don't know what that means. Probably not very much, but I will be Very Happy about it.
     So our parental MO for today has been: Let her (Shayla) just Wear Herself plum out!! Maybe, just maybe (fingers and toes crossed) our experience tonight will be one of peace and quiet. We can only Hope! So, to that end she had no nap today (prob would have refused anyhow) and literally stayed up untill midnight. She was fighting sleep the latter half of the day. Hopefully that's a good omen....and a good 'Amen' to the night's forecast. I'll keep you posted. God Bless.

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.