Shayla's First Weekend Away from Home

This is Shayla's first weekend away from Christina and I. She's in Houston visiting with 'Nana' (my mom) and Risa. What a strange mix of emotions I feel in response to this. Late last night, and early this morning I got cold feet with the plan, but went ahead with it anyway. Why? Because I'm going to miss the hell out of my daughter! While the break will afford me the time to make some serious preparations for next weekend, it's still a mixed bag in the Heart department. This is the first of many, but what a mixed sensation it is, And Shayla is totally into it!! So this is without the added mixed emotion that must come when your child is resistant to being apart from you!! Whew! Tough stuff! Even when I Know she'll have a Blast!

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.