Shayla's New Daily Playdate

It feels really good to get my daughter enrolled in a mini pre-school program. She's 3 now and to have her going to a little interactive pre-school kids' group 4 days out of the week for a hour and a half in the middle of the day feels great! She loves it! It's about time for her to hang out with her own people for a little while every day. I'm sure it must feel great to spend time with her peers that are just as energetic as she!
They have a nice little program of mixed activities: inside interactive play time, story telling, playground time (outside), as well as special activities like the Easter egg hunt that they did today in celebration of this Sunday.
The teachers say that she plays nice and is very polite which I was very pleased to hear. So far, so good on Shayla's peer to peer socialization. Yay!


The ratio of teachers to students is 3 to 9, so I feel pretty good about that too.

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