Spitting is Fascinating at 3 Years Old

The time has arrived and my 3 yr. old is now very taken with the process of spitting. Having seen me do it numerous times, she now thinks that it is something that she Must do. People just do that (I guess she thinks), just as they go to the bathroom , eat, or any number of normal activities. Of course she doesn't know that I have a 'reason' to do it or even 'what' a reason is, so it's pretty funny. I think she now understands the one caviat: you Must spit either in the trash or outside, but not in the middle of the tiled living room floor just because you want to. When we go outside, not on every day, but about a third of the time, she has to have her token 'spit'. Yes, of course I tell her that most girls don't do that. I have since stopped as I discovered that a comment from me like that seemed to make the practice proliferate. :-)