Surprise,surprise....POO! Oooo!

It was in a bath about 4 days ago that my daughter Shayla her first little submarine style b.m. . She was genuinely shocked,appalled,and slightly frightened. She was skating around the tub afraid that it was coming after her... As a parent, I had to laugh as this kid has been crapping in diapers since day 1, a few of which,even though she's mine have severely triggered  the old gag reflex. She has ,of course, been present for all of them as it would be impossible not to be.  What's really funny is that we have always had a very open dialogue about poo-poo:been present for the poo-poo,smelled the odoriferous substance,have learned the word,can even say that it is about to happen(although still not so often--even at 50wks. old),but yet we still have the ability to be Totally Surprised by it when it has the Gall to occur anywhere other than in the diaper. Poo-Poo out of Context was funny to behold. She survived the stress of it and that was good. "Wassat?! Wassat?!"


We had one of those last week. Rheylene tried to throw it out of the tub and made a HUGE mess.

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