The Bellyhole

So as a fun follow-up to yesterday I pulled up my t-shirt and asked my 3 yr old daughter, "What's this again" as I pointed to my bellybutton? She promptly says, "that's your bellyhole"!
Note to Readership: My bellybutton had never heretofore been described to my face as a 'bellyhole' and quite frankly had never Been one until about 2 yrs ago! I had thought that my days of the 'growing spurts' were long completed, but alas, a new era was born and now the 'growing spurts' have re-manifested themselves in dimensional changes from front to back and not of 'the exciting kind', if you know what I mean. Let us Celebrate the Honesty of Toddlers!! Bless you My Child for pointing out Truth when you see it! *Hehe. Big Grin*