The Conversational Prowess of a 3 Year Old

Three year olds come up with some very interesting conversational topics and some even more far fetched conclusions. Just this morning my daughter Shayla told me out of nowhere that her grandma was a boy when she was little. I said, "no, it doesn't generally work like that". "Why?", she says. "Because little girls don't become big men, and big girls don't start out as little boys", I replied while laughing at where this was going. "Why not?"
"Well, because that's not how things are designed. Little boys grow into men, and little girls grow into women."
"Ahhh, Ok." --end of conversation. Hilarious!? I guess. This is the same child that asked me the other day why we make dogs go poo-poo in the yard. Um... because that's the only place on this earth that we're going to allow those animals to take a dump!? Really?? This is funny stuff I have to admit. On and on it goes.