The Cornucopia of Grandma Joan

Thanks so much Joan for your Generosity to our family. We appreciate so much all the good that you do for us. Thanks ever so much for stocking our fridge. We love you. Thanks for being there for us.
Shayla's Grandma Joan is a Godsend to our family. Thank you Joan.


You are very welcome, and thanks for the delicious meal. I love you guys, Love, Mom/Grandma Joan
Sean, on the 8th photo from the top looks like you caught Christina scratching her butt. Just like me to notice something like that. dad
No Dad, but funny. Actually, she's being careful as she's walking from the kitchen table to the couch (It's still pretty early 'post back surgery' around here. She' actually 'holding' her leg there as kind of a supportive gesture, I believe. But.........That's the Next 'post' that you're commenting on, not this one. I have, however, sighted 'butt scrachings' from her.
......scratching, that is.
Dad, you'll notice that there's a space to comment AFTER each post. :) .

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