The Fine Line of Parenting

I'm learning a lot these days about the fine mechanics of being friends with your kid and yet still being their parent. We want to be 'liked' by our children as well as loved. This is an act that is sometimes far more difficult than it would seem to be. Sometimes we must sacrifice the 'being liked' part for the higher ground of being a proper parent and looking out for their best interest. This line is certainly not a static one.

Being a parent to a young person--4 years old in this case-- is a non-stop alertness exercise about how to guide your child and yet not be (in my opinion) their 'Lord and Master' at all times. It's a given that kids vary greatly from one to the next in their temperament, demeanor and ways of handling stress, etcetera, etcetera, and this being the case, requires a parenting style that is specifically suited to the child being referred to. I can imagine how this becomes a little challenging with multiple children who are each very individual in their psychological make up and ways of interpreting the world around them. We only have one and yet it is challenging for us, at times.
The 'friendship' variable is obviously a no brainer to parents worldwide although it would be nice if children would sometimes make that reality a little bit easier to come by. "Come on. Please be a little more cooperative right now so that we can be partners--'friends' in this endeavor called life. No, you can't see that that could be really useful right now?? Well, of course you can't, I guess. As the leader of a rebellion that would kind of be against your job description. Point well taken." :)

As a parent, you come across the horror stories from other parents of how it just gets worse as they age, become physically stronger and more mentally competent. I actually choose to believe that perhaps it can go the other way as well. Call me naive; that's what I choose to believe. Our girl is a great little girl. She's full of spunk and verve and only 4 years old. God Bless Her. She can be my best friend and also my greatest fear. Yes, there actually are moments when I have been fearful of how she will react to something! Isn't that crazy when the 'subject' of your fear is only four years old?? I think it's kind of funny in an odd sort of way.

One thing is for sure: I believe in the Miraculous Transformational power that the act and role of Parenting has on the parent themselves. What a catharsis for the human spirit! Whether my job as a parent becomes easier or harder--I'm sure both will happen in different ways!--I consider the blessing of parenting our little girl to be the Benediction of my Life.

May (All) the Parents Live Long and Prosper!!