The Introduction of 'Mine', 'Yours' and 'Ours' into The Mind of A 3 Year Old

There's nothing like having your household turned into a magnified Petrie dish of the Human condition by your beloved toddler. But this is exactly what they do. They exemplify in a simplistic form the nature of human consciousness.
Our 3 year old daughter Shayla is just now 'groking' the whole concept of 'property' and 'ownership' of that property. 'Joint ownership' is somewhat of a conundrum to her. "How Can You AND I own something", she thinks?!? You can see it on her face when we explain to her that something IS Daddy's, Mommy's and Shayla's and that we all get to use it. Here's the wrinkle in the mind: "Well, that's complicated! When will I know exactly When it's mine to use? I'll have to work with you people on when and how to take turns. Darn. That's anything, but easy. It's easier when something is mine outright. Then I don't have to ask..or take turns...or let you have it before I'm ready". She is thinking all this; I can see it. "Hey, that's not fair


and she knows because she tells me when I tell her don't touch, that belongs to Mommy or Daddy, depending on what it is, and she says Mommy (or Daddy) will get really really mad if I touch their stuff :)

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