The Joy of Relations

I must say that I never valued 'Family' the way that I have come to since having a child of my own. It is something magical and of a new dimension altogether that children bring to the table of family and life.
I used to feel, in a way disconnected from my relatives. It was not bad per se, it was just different. Looking back I can see that it was a lack of context, a lack of 'the threads' of relationship and connected meaning. That 'connected meaning' IS CHILDREN!! Closeness is naturally born, drawn in and weaved through the families that birth new lives. It is as natural as breathing, as drinking water, as putting on new, fresh clothes for a brand new day.
There is a Joy that is in me that has been waiting to get out. My daughter has given me the vehicle whereby that can happen: HER. Children are the instigators for the miraculous from within their parents by their very nature of being because of what they call forth out of the catacombs of the humans that are their parents. They come to help the families to which they are born and also to have the oportunity to live themselves on this beautiful green and blue Orb that we call Planet Earth.
Family gatherings are now a joy with a well defined meaning and purpose: the children. These gatherings were almost always events that I looked forward to, but now I look forward to them with great excitement for I have some special people to share with them: my partner Christina and my sweet child Shayla. Happiness.