The Love of A Child After a Weekend Away

It was so good to see my little girl after coming back into town last night. Since she's on her way to four years of age, she's becoming more and more expressive by the days as they pass. It's quite remarkable how much of an understandable conversationalist she's become. She's always been a talker, but now it's taking less repetition on her part for her listeners to get the message. Oh yeah, we still run through repeats a number of times each day, even after the communication has been deciphered. The second order of business that's covered is proper grammatical usage and verb tenses. There's nothing like repetition to teach. Back to the point at hand.....
It was really great to hear her telling me how much she missed me while I was gone, and I lauded her with the same love and affection. It's really nice to share that with your offspring. So special. I can see that's a one of a kind feeling in all the experiences this life has to offer. Quite unique.