The Love of A Daughter is

My little 3 1/2 year old daughter Shayla is a really sweet and loving child. For the past 2 days I have been confined to the house due to a low back misalignment that has caused considerable discomfort, and a very limited scope of movement due to this type of situation.
Family has been waiting on me as I await my chiropractor's appointment tomorrow (Wed.). Family checks on me throughout the day, bringing me meals and such. Today, my little girl brought me one of her miniature stuffed Tigger animals to keep me company and give me comfort. She also checked on me many times thereafter to see how I was doing. This is something that we do with her at bedtime and hence the cuteness of it. After dropping off the Tigger she says, " Daddy, I'm going to come back and check on you in 10 minutes,...okay?"
"Okay Darling", I tell her. A minute later she comes back in and says,
"Are you doing alright?". "Yes, I'm doing fine. Thank you so much!", I reply with a big smile on my face.
"Okay", she says. "I going to come back in three more minutes to check on you again, okay??"
"Okay", I say.
Thirty seconds later she comes back in and says, "You're alright?". "Yes, I'm doing just fine Honey", I reply. "Okay Daddy, I'll see you later", she says.
It's the little things with kids that can be the most precious. The fact that she was willing to share one of her beloved little stuffed animals to comfort me was really touching. It was truly sweet and precious. To add to that she has come in many times in the past couple of days just to come over and give me a kiss and a hug letting me know that she loves me. Priceless.