The "Momma, Daddy Watch This" Stage has officially Begun.

Shayla has for months now helped us with practically every task that she noices that we are in the midst of. Whether it's loading/ unloading the dish washer or doing laundry, sweeping or opening and closing doors she wants to be involved. It's great--a little helper and a 'shadow' all in one. As you can imagine there isn't much that escapes her attention, and she's so quick on the draw that you have to be careful not to knock her down or fall down yourself. Oh yeah, you also have to help her not to topple or stand up at the wrong time as this can be injurous to either you or her or both. Corners, gravity, hard surfaces, and weight still, of course have yet to have any significant meaning in her little mind, yet that understanding dawns a little more Each and Every Day--Literally! It is Quite Incredible to a witness to it.
     So the exact form of "Mommy, Daddy Watch This", started this week. It is quickly starting to dominate our conversations with her and is rapidly becoming a constant state of 'Show and Tell' with us in the front row seats. It's great to be a parent and have a personal one on one real time course in Human Development. There's probably no better way to actually learn about people than to have a little one of your own. As obvious as that may seem it's still a realization that dawns on you all of a sudden as your drinking your coffee or writing in your journal or making dinner.
     It's Quite a Blessing.....and a Responsibility to be a Parent. For just as they teach you about human development as they grow and change and take in this big world full of possibility, what will you teach them about the World that they have come to greet? What will You Teach Them about Life and Humanity? What will they be taught by what you do and who you are?

Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.


Enjoy it while she wants your attention, there will come a time where she won't want you to be watching, will be here sooner than you think, so enjoy every second while you can... children are such treasures

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