The Most Popular Serials in My House....

..are the 'Wonder Pets', 'The Backyardigans', and 'Sesame Street'. I know more about 'what's's happening' in these programs than any adult programming there is out there. I have no choice on this one if Peace in the House is of any importance to me, and of course it happens to be paramount. Nevertheless, finding yourself bopping around your home in your sock feet singing childrens' television theme songs in the utter silence of late night or early morning (however you want to put that) is rather disturbing. However it's something that you give into rather quickly as you don't have the energy to fight it. You have to reserve that for things that matter, like that growing mass you call your stomach, and even then you have to make an appointment to exercise. Geeeeeeee. Well that's family life for you.

Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.


What can I say, here I am a 66 yr old grandma, and find myself checking out Wuzzby, Wonder Pets and Backyardigans at my house sometimes, and have to get a fix at your house, watching them with Shayla. WOW WOW!!

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