The Nerve To Act Surprised

       While driving around with my almost 4 y.o. daughter I decide to bless her with remnants of a banana & fruit smoothie that I blended up for her before we left the house. I put the thick viscous fruit purée in to a plastic sippy cup with a snap on lid. 
        She's sucking on it as we're driving around town. Occasionally she shakes it vigorously. After a while I inform her that that might not be the best thing to do. She hears me and desists only later to start shaking it again intermittently. I can see where this is going, but I don't have the energy to stop it. Who knows, maybe the cup will not give way until she's done..? Could happen.
    Well, it didn't. I eventually hear an "Uh oh", and look over to see that we just had a miniature fruit bomb explosion on her side of the truck drenching her and her booster seat with all it's buckles, clips, and belt 'pass throughs' in fruit purée. She then has the nerve to look surprised. I looked over at her and said, "well, that's cause and effect for you". 
    I swear it sometimes feels like this child is out to get me. It was lucky for the both of us that I found an extra change of clothes stashed away in the cab of the truck for that 'just in case' scenario that just so happened to take place today. Otherwise she'd have been left to ride around in the sludge until we got home. Even wiping it up as good as you can it still leaves a pretty strong signature of nasty, sticky yuk-yuk residue. It sure is a good thing that all of her accoutrements are thoroughly washable. 
   ...and on we go protecting our animal offspring from themselves.