The Proper Way to Eat a Bowl of Cereal

Most of you probably don't know the 'proper' way to eat a bowl of cereal. Did you know that:
  1. Drink all the milk by tipping up the bowl. 2. Take out all the wet, (by now) soggy cereal and carefully arrange it by category on your tray/table.
  3. Pick out and eat the items that you want.
  4. Leave yourself and the remains for cleanup by the waiter/butler/janitor/dad.


Well' at least she didn't put the bowl on her head this time. She is doing really well for two, remember the books say they need to experiment with their food when first learning to feed themselves and she does like to experiment with everything doesn't she. So cute... hang in there super Dad.. Love, Mom/Grandma
Yes, this is true. ...I am smiling while I post these things. :)

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