The Quick and the Dead

....Or if you like,...Shayla and her Dad in the morning. Is it legal for a human being to have so much energy First thing in the morning? I don't think so. I think I'm going to talk to the Authorities on this one.
   It's not just that it's Severely unfair, but rather more that it turns out to be a major occupational hazard. Obstacles knowingly or unknowingly thrown in my path once all my pistons are firing in cooperation is fair, but this erratic, mayhemic tossing of toys and running every which way in the early morning with the combined difference in energy levels reminds me of Inspector Clouseau and Kato. Only our 'play' is in the morning instead of at night (Although she gets crazy then too, but at that point I'm ready for it. I've had all day to prepare.)
   Maybe I should just sleep in my helmet and knee pads, this way I will not have to remember to put them on before opening my door and walking down the hall towards the coffeemaker.
   "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger", they say, but the part that 'they' convieniently leave off is that there is a good chance you could be disabled in the process. Mental disability too. Hah, I bet you were not thinking of that kind, were you? ...Now you're gettin' the picture. I've even come up with a good acronym for the condition. (I'm getting ready for my Government Checks. Haha.) It's called: PPPT (Post Process Parental Trauma)
   All those with little munchkins are smiling from ear to ear right about now. Hey you all, wouldn't it be satisfying to recieve a Government check to alay a little of the pain of the PPPT? I think so. ....It's fun to fantasize at any rate.

....Take a Deep Breath and Count to Ten...


Sean, this one is in the top ten. I love it. FUNNY!
You should put all these "stories" into a book, it would be a best seller. PPPT, I love it. Love, Mom/Grandma

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