The Reaction Response

Parenting is a really good teacher for helping you to streamline your native reaction response. It forces you not to react to reaction, unless of course you don't mind total anarchy and discord. The fortunate thing about that is that most of us do mind it...and that's a good thing; that helps everybody--you, your kid, and your household. Your child doesn't yet have that skill set (not ours anyway at four years old...Some people never get it no matter how far down the timeline they progress.), so you have to show them. What I've found is that I've had, and continue to, work on this very powerful human relations skill that is extremely effective at side stepping drama no matter where you are.

Home is 'where the Heart is' and home is also, appropriately I think, the place where we tend to be the most sensitive to perceived insult or ego fraying, and hence is the best place to start to learn and practice this very valuable skill in human relations.

Who is better qualified to teach you about this than your own kid.? Amen.