The Smarts of a 4 Year Old

It's so lovely to be astounded by the intellectual abilities of your offspring that I feel myself to be in a privileged position, indeed.

I feel privileged to parry with her in an intellectual fashion that makes me feel proud, not scared, that she may pass me up one day in the department of mental dexterity and acuity. If I can just keep the 'roof on the house' until then, I shall consider myself lucky.

Maintaining a sense of respect between you and those you beget is a certain 'key' that is worth having. The phrase that I remember hearing at times during my pubescent years--"As long as you live under my roof..."--now carries a certain poignance that I don't remember it having as the recipient of such an adage . Well, I just suppose that is part and parcel of growing up and becoming in form, symbol, and actual truth....a real parent, in a real world, with a real child with her own desires, ambition and mind....

Yep. I am that. I have arrived.