There Are Days.....

...When I wonder why God 'let me' be a parent. (half-joking)
...When I wonder whether or not I am of a capable constitution to Be a Parent. Oops, Already here--the point is a bit mute. :) Can I surrender to it in all the right ways??
...When I wonder if I will make it out the 'other side' and be able to recognize myself, have any of my naturally born hair color left, or have the ability to be 'proud' of the parent that I have become.
...When I seriously believe that my child 'has it out' for me. :)
...When I wonder what all the hype was about.
...When I wouldn't trade it for the World. Other days are...well, days on which I'm checking on the cost of a one way flight to Costa Rica for One on Just kidding. But it is a good thing that fantasies are free. :)