TheRredundancy of Anatomical Review For My 3 Year Old

My 3yr. old just told me that her nipples were called 'bubble tops' and that her bellybutton was her 'butt'. Oops. I had thought that we had gone over that one enough times. I guess not. She had gotten that breasts are 'bubbles' all on her own, which is pretty clever seeing as how bubbles are spherical and all. She's a clever kid. It would just be nice if we could keep everything in it's properly labeled placement from front to back and top to bottom. We'll see how long that all takes. In the meantime, it's comedy all the way.
Part of the humor in this moment today was the fact that we are telling her everday that she needs to dry/wipe her bottom (sometimes known as butt) well after going to the potty. I knew that she didn't Really Mean that her bellybutton was her butt. It came out that way because she sometimes uses her own abbreviated names for things. In this case it was 'butt' for 'button'. Most often she calls her bellybutton her 'button', but it was pretty funny anyway. I asked her right after she said it, "So That's your Butt"? She said, "yeah", but I knew that was short for 'button'. I'll bet you didn't know that---that 'butt' is short for 'button'? I certainly didn't until she did that for the first time some months back. She's certainly a constant source for comedy around our house. The frequency of that comedic relief even seems to be increasing as she gets older. There's nothing bad about that!! :-)