Toddler Patrol

The most pressing need, I have found, for an adult taking care of a group of 2 or more 3-5 year olds is that you must keep them from accidentally (or occasionally on purpose) injuring each other. In our case we have 2 boys and one girl playing together over the Christmas Holiday. Yesterday, one of the cousins went home so now we just have our daughter (almost 4) and one of her male cousins (almost 5). There's something to be said for the differences in the way little boys and little girls play. This really comes out in the way that these playing styles intermingle with each other. Our little girl seems overly sensitive to implied insult while the little boy didn't even know that an insult was in the works. It's funny and so classic as an archetype of our adult relationships.

What's so amazing to me though is their inherent drive of curiosity to engage in activities in a way that is just.....well, dangerous. Why? They can't help it but pick up that rock and throw it! If there's a stick around they'll find it, and they can't help but make contact with the other person with that stick! I sound like a broken record: "Put that stick down; it's dangerous. Would you want her to throw that rock at you?? Will you please not fling the dirt at each other's faces with that plastic rake!? Will you please not dance on the AC unit? While you're at it get off of there; it's dangerous! No, dog poop is not fascinating, it's yucky! Don't even think about it!" and on and on and on I go while having to watch them fairly close. It's hard work because they're always on the move. It's still fun though, still fun.

It can be hard to get at the root of a disagreement or episode between these little people if you didn't see how it began! Even at this age they are well equipped to tell elaborate stories that are in their favor and weave complex arguments of the 'he said, she said' variety. Wait! Stop! Am I in a court room?? No. Am I getting paid for this? Heck no. I can see where parents are tempted to make those ridiculous sounding rules of sweeping magnitude that do not fit 'the crime' or are reasonable or do-able like "Nobody Ever Touch Anybody in This House Ever Again!" as a frustrated fix for some issue of 'personal space violation'! Sound funny? Well it is until You're There.

Kids. They're Amazingly making you sound like your parents! Hehe. It's True!

Daddy Sean Over and Out,

Happy Holidays Everyone! :-)