Trust Beats the hell out of Stress

This was Shayla's first full weekend away from home--a whole two nights away!! A day, night, and a day is not so bad, but the stress of thinking about two nights, two partial days with a full day in the middle!! Man what a mental trip that is!
    I nearly called the whole thing off Friday morning, but then came back to my senses. Thankgoodness! She only went to Houston to visit Grandma Nana and Risa! By my trepidation you'd have thought she was going across the country.
     I'm really glad I let her do it. I hope I'm not saying that a little too prematurely. Who knows what kind of habits she'll have developed over there. Just kidding. Haha. Nana and Risa are great.
     I did discover that I still do really enjoy silence quite a bit. How nice that is IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY SPANNING HOURS AT A TIME!! Holy Toledo Batman! (Parental-style cursing that was learned with great effort, fyi.) Boy, that was Nice! I could get used to a dose of that from time to time. Look out Relatives, Rent-A-Kid is now open!
     It will be really good to have her back in a few hours from now. Parental free time sure is nice, but I started missing her just as soon as I handed her off. Isn't that interesting? I guess that is the way it is.

Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.