TV to the Rescue....

We've all said many evil things about television from time to time and rightly so, because as with anything abused the flaws or detriment to the human spirit gets bourne out.
  Having said that.....Let me now give thanks to the 'boob tube' for filling the insatiable attention, if even only for little slices of time (better that way), of my little wonderous, fickle, energetic, sweet, onery she devil called my daughter.
  The one eyed monster gives her parents brief moments of respite to the continuous, and constant demands of The World Explorer that is our daughter.
  Television programs in the right places and at the right times are Blessings Indeed. Amen.

 ....Take a Deep Breath and Count to Ten...


Yes, although I end up singing the songs from Elmo to Wuzzby in my sleep, they sure do help break up the day and keep her entertained. Bless the creators of Wonder Pets, Backyardigans, Wuzzby, Sesame Street, etc. They do help occupy the little ones so the adults can have a little peace !!

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