Vocabulary..Boy now that's a touchy one,huh?

 There's nothing like trying to teach your child new words while simultaneously trying to delete some from your vocabulary that you probably really shouldn't have been saying any way for the past 15 years(I'm a late fatherhood bloomer). Yeah...so they're Really ingrained..these not-so-very-good words.(and you've had about a thousand recent reasons that you feel all the more habituated by to say them . So you've got that workin' for you,as well.) Also,...added to that is the fact that your  young child's pronunciation is not exactly perfect to start out with. This adds insult to injury in public when they've found their lost doll and they're saying:"I found it.",but everyone else within earshot hears:" I fut it." You look at them and they look at you...and you're thinking I/We really are good parents...and they...well, you really don't know what they're thinking..and that's probably good. It's about that time that I have to give myself a good chuckle on the inside and a small wry smile on the outside that's kind of a cross between humor and embarassment....because truth be told...I hope that was what she was trying to say...


This vocabulary thing makes you question a few things: 1) why do I swear? 2) Why do I care if my kids do?

Answers: 1) either venting excess anger or happiness or inability to express oneself; 2) it makes me appear to be a bad or neglectful parent or the child will be pigeon-holed as a bad egg growing up with a habit like that.

I always thought Bucky Fuller's reason for not swearing was good: swearing almost always refers to something that is impossible.

.....how true...hmmm.
It makes me think of when you and MJ told me the story of one of your long drives to visit your Mom. You had been exasperated by a happening on the drive and you mistakenly said 'Damnit!' at one point,and thereafter Joe kept repeating the word over and over and over.... MJ also told me how Joe was calling you Damnit for a short time after that...like he got it a little confused in his head, thinking that was your name. That was hillarious..Thx for that story.
I had gone to saying 'dadgummit' instead of a few other expletives..but for Shayla that was still to close to the offending verbage. Her reproduction of that sounds more shocking than what I was avoiding..... ha...ha....ha
She's teaching YOU.

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