"Watching Your Garden Grow"

One of the most fun things for me as a father at this point is watching my 2 1/2+ yr. old daughter Shayla's comprehension go through the roof. What was once an occasional surprise has now become routine.
As the cognition develops, so does our conversation, which is really exciting. The other part of this is that she is learning from Everyone she interacts with, so it takes a little figuring out to get where she is learning what and from whom. I imagine this goes off the chart a little once they go to (pre)school! One example of this was one day Shayla said to me, "You're so gorgeous". I said, "What??" She repeated it for me and she was stretching out the word 'so' just like an adult might, and I was like, "Where did she pick that up???" Later, I told her mother and she said that she got it from a friend of ours that apparently was saying that to her. Fortunately, up to this point she has not really picked up on the 'adult' expletives that she has heard on occasion. Her mother and I underwent a radical grammatical weeding at Shayla's Earthly debut, but.....there is no controlling the vocabulary of non-parenting, loosely lipped friends. I had to say something a couple of times to these folks, but that was it; they caught on.
....……So on we go down the Developmental Path whilst whistling 'Dixie'. :)

There is faith, hope and love, but the Greatest of these is Love.


This is a very difficult time for parents who r accustomed to using salty language. If u and Christina were able to adjust with one conversation at birth u r doing much better than I ever did.
Oops, I must have given the wrong impression!! No, it has been a process of self discipline which still goes on to this day. We have slipped many a time with the salty tongue. At this point we've had enough self teaching that we're the most consistent we've ever been. We're just glad that Shayla was not drawn to those 'slips' like a magnet! She does give as She gets though. We've learned that pretty well. If you relate in exasperation, so will she. If you're calm, you'll get calm (for the most part). She'll follow the lead you set for her. You're a dad; you remember all this....Wait, you deal with this currently!!

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