We Will Be the 'Host' Family to Our Daughter's First Sleep Over at Our House Tonight

Wish us luck and good fortune. We are returning the favor to Shayla's friend's parents this evening as we are going to host a sleep over for Shayla and her girl friend. Honestly, we are looking forward to a late night and a lot of excited cries and hollers from these two little girls. This should be fun. I am looking forward to it. It'll be great to watch them have fun. I remember fondly many of the sleep-overs that I had as a kid.

Yay! This should be fun! Whatever the case, you know I'll be writing about it.


Sleep Over Update: Unfortunately, Shayla's little friend got a fever last night and is not feeling well today. :( The sleep-over is officially postponed until they get back from their vacation. Both girls are very, very sad. Shayla told me that she felt it was only right that her friend's 6 year old brother was going to have to step in and fill the slot. Haha. We said "No, not quite; It doesn't work that way. For one, he's a boy, and secondly, it would make your friend even sadder that she couldn't be here. Thirdly, is the fact the he's her brother--no bueno."
"Ohhhh", she replies.
Kids are funny. :)

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