What ARE You Saying??

Isn't it great (not!) when your 4y.o. speaks in riddles? Our's does it All the time, out of the blue. They're 1/2 completed thoughts like "I'm going to keep my socks on" and you're like "what?" because it makes no contextual sense. She's on her way to a public bathroom or something like that and it's certainly not like we take our shoes off to pee or anything of the sort. Also, it's not for a lack of q&a sessions that she does this! Oh no, for sure not. Talking is her Well, I mean WELL practiced hobby and past time. Quiet comes at night, and that's it. The day time is anything but. Got to love it.


....so, she forces me to ask her more questions in order to respond correctly to her statements. Simplicity seems extinct sometimes. :)

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