"Would Somebody Please Give Me Back My Sweetloving Kid?"

Who is this being that has been inhabiting the body of my daughter this past week? Not fair. :) Nobody told me that 'posession' was one of the stages of development. I know, I know...this is nothing compared to what may come in the years ahead and all that, but I still have the right to drag my heels toward a future of ocassional (let's hope!) speechless moments of wonder such as like I have experienced this past week! Yeah, that's right, jawdropping moments of shock! Is this kid really challenging me on this?!
Her mother and I are going to have to start having parental task force meetings nightly here pretty soon just so we can head off this steep learning curve of manipulation!! It's funny how they know of the law of 'divide and conquer' so early on and many other basic tools of survival, and have absolutely no qualms about putting it all into full action. Unlike you, they do have eyes in the back of their head and posess very clear omni-directional hearing. So out witting them is truly an exercise as they're getting faster in every way and you're....well, kind of....getting slower. You have to admit it's a kind of humorous dynamic.
It is really it's funniest when they're asleep. :) That in itself gives me a chuckle. Thank God for a sense of humor. Whew boy I would be in serious doo-doo without it! :)
Here's to those 2 year olds going on 10..... :)