Yesterday Was A Play-date Success, I Am Glad To Say

Parenting can be a little nerve wracking, to put it mildly. After the play-date that Shayla and her friend had last Thursday, I wasn't sure whether or not the two girls were actually going to continue to develop their friendship. No parent wants that process to be painful or difficult for their child. It should be fun and enjoyable for both kids, not excessive tears, hurt feelings and crying. As it is, their friendship is still in the formation stage and at this age (3.5-4.5 yrs.) they develop and change so quickly that a year's difference in age can be substantial at certain times and in certain applications, and in other instances, it's absolutely nothing. Parents have to be very flexible. It's wild, to me, just how much so. I have so much to learn here. I only hope that it turns out to be as gentle as I can allow it to be.

I am happy that it looks like Shayla and Helena's friendship may stick around for a bit. That would be good for both of the girls, I think. It's a foreign thing for me to be the default 'manager' of another's friendships. It's naturally occurring within the cells of any parent for sure, and yet perceived from a certain angle, it's still a little odd for me. I guess you just kind of get used to it, until they eventually tell you years later that it's "none of your business" and by that time, 'minding your own business' has probably become a foreign practice in itself, as it should be. I can see it already. I suppose it's not a bad idea to try and see the humor in that now: the opportunity may not be so readily available later. Ha ha.

Friendships....Relationships...Relations....those ships and how they fare together on the sea of life is so critical to our well being and our overall health as humans that it makes me really happy to see my daughter fairing well.