Shayla Potties on Her Own

It's a happy day when you realize that your 3 yr. old daughter not only can go to the john by herself, but Wants to, AND is successful with everything but the wiping! We have reach a new level. Now she can start to go to the bathroom with other females simply because that's the way things are done, and not because she needs their help to complete Nature's tasks. Wooo Hoooo!! You Go Girl!
Recently, while Shayla was relieving herself she told me a story about Poo. She said, "Daddy did you know that there are Mommy and Daddy and Baby poo-poos? Did you, did you know that?" I said, laughing lightly, "no, not really. I didn't know that". "Like", she said, "Right now the babies are coming out". "Oohh, okay then", I replied. She said, "Look..Look..Look Daddy"!! I cautiously stand above her looking into the bowl from high over her head, as demanded by my persuasive daughter, "Uh,...huh". She says, "See how the mommy and daddy are already in there...and now the babies are going to join them"! "Okay, okay,..I got it", I tell her as that is plenty information about something that I have never thought about and is already too much as it is!
"So, ...are you done then", I ask quickly, so as to change the subject?
"No, there's one more baby that has to come out", she replies with excitement!
"OOOKayyy", I say in signing off of this present poop-a- ganza! "I'll be in the other room, you just let me know when you're done and just need some help wiping, okay", I say?
"Okay Daddy", she says.
Okay everyone, well that's about enough for now. I sure hope that you can appreciate this type of humor. It certainly was funny when it happened, when my daughter was educating me as to the social culture of human detritus. I guess there's nothing quite as unique as a kid's imagination.