Clean-liness is Far Away from Toddler-ness

.......or as far away as they can get it!

Now that my daughter Shayla (2 1/2) is allowed to walk around the house with her own mini juice-in-a-box with those little straws she has decided to take it to the next level.
What was once a novelty is now just too boring to withstand a toddler's desire for scientific experimentation. It is simply just too interesting the way it squirts out of the box when squeezed, or dribbles out of the little straw hole when you turn it upside down. Isn't it the perfect wood conditioner for the living room coffee table? It makes such an excellent splash when you pour it on the tile floor and then stomp in it and so much more fun than water because it has color!!
The threat to return to the constant use of 'sippy cups' is my only real leverage along with my obvious dissatisfaction at having to clean up after Shayla has a dance with gravity-----and gravity is on a winning streak.
I feel like a digital recording loop: "Honey, you have to hold those (juice boxes) right side up. These are 'big' girl drinks, so you have to hold them right side up like a big girl". She says, "Huh"? Or she just looks at me like, "my personal scientific research stops at nothing. Say what you want dude, if it makes you feel better."
Already, at this young age, she knows she rules the roost. She's 2-3/4yrs. old and a maverick of familial politics. Where do we go from here? It's one of those situations where it feels like 'you're already there', yet I know we're just beginning.

Fear is the non-acceptance of What Is. (Not as in the 'process of acceptance', but rather as in 'turning away' from what Is.)

This Kid is Always On the Move

       I've never seen a creature in such constant motion. Getting her to be completely still for decent photos is a joke. I've had it happen before, but it's an aberration not to be counted upon. :)












Fear is the non-acceptance of What Is. (Not as in the 'process of acceptance', but rather as in 'turning away' from what Is.)

Fun Foods for 2+ yr. Olds

I have discovered that my little girl really enjoys eating food items that entail 'a job to do', such as peanuts in the shell and edamame (soy beans in the pod). They're really easy and require none or just a tad of prep time. The soy beans in-the-pod can be found in the freezer at your local grocer, and they only require a little steaming or simmering for 5-10 mins. plus a cool down: quick cold water rinse or bath and voilà!
They both are good sources of protein and satisfy some of the restless fidgeting that some toddlers seem to be prone to, AND neither one is messy! :) Enjoy!

There is faith, hope and love, but the Greatest of these is Love.