The Trail Mix Kid

Getting my little 2 1/2 yr. old daughter to eat Real food while we were here at Pine Lodge with the constant stimuli of all my extended family was a real chore, frustrating to say the least. I know her body will not let her starve, yet it is the quality of 'food' that I am concerned about. A diet of trail mix and grapes does not a rounded dietary make. Does it? I think not, but I have discovered that at special events such as Family Reunions there are no rules or at least not the regular ones. Get with the program Dad.

Peaceful Night of Sleep-Hallelujah! (Pine Lodge post)

Last night was great! Our baby (Shayla) was worn out, so we slept pretty well, thank goodness. There's nothing like being on a vacation and sleeping poorly.
     So the plan today is jet skiing on Lk. Livingston. We'll see. There's also a 50% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Worse comes to worse, it's an inside game day. Happiness with family.

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.