The Game of a 2+ Year Old

The MO of my child at this point seems to be something like 'See if you can Clean me up Faster than I can get Dirty'. I say, " know, we don't have to play this game. No, we really don't. How about I just surrender now and declare you the All Time Winner? I could buy you some popsicles as trophies or something like that...?" ....But she doesn't accept that. Like, "Where's the Fun in that Dad???"
     I'm not anal retentive when it comes to house cleaning in general, as many of my friends can attest, but I am in the details like sticky floors, counters, hands, and kid. For kiddos it seems to be all a part of the exploring process: textures, viscosities, density. They're scientists. Don't we know that?! Isn't it apparent? How are they ever going to get into Yale if they don't smear their Cheerios into pate on the tile floor? (Thank God we have tile 'cause I know carpet wouldn't stop them and maybe would be even more interesting.) I mean, C'mon!
     It's the little things which have the potential of developing your patience as a parent......the little things:
    • sticky hands
    • kid sitting on their food--as a Rule. I don't know how it happens either.
    • "Can I go out?" "Can I come in?" "Can I go out?" "Can I come in?" "Can I go out?" "Can I come in?" "Can I go out?" -----this is in succession and is not exagerated.
    • Why can't I stand IN the doorway (it's 103* outside w/ flies in attendance) indefinitely?
    • "I'm hungry". Get 'em all set up and then without touching their food other than to play a little, then "I'm done Dada." You take them dwn and clean it up and then, "I'm hun---gry.." So on it goes. • Of course there's a million of excuses why, "I don't need to go to bed right now. I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, (and besides) I'm very awake" despite the fact that I'm irritable and rubbing my eyes. the list goes on.
     Little Teachers being themselves Teach Big Lessons.
     Like I said, in my opinion it's the 'little' things which can Really Grow You as a Human Being and a Parent, and I daresay perhaps it Shines a little light on our Relationship with our Higher Power.

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.