Kids and Car Interiors

Once again I was reminded today that only dry snacks should be relegated to the scientifically inclined hands of my 2 1/2 yr. old daughter Shayla while we are confined together in the 4 wheeled contraption we call my truck.
     Liquid, yogurt, spreadable substances, things w/ sauce(s), and things that melt w/ time and/or heat are just candidates for 'becoming one' with my cloth upholstery. Although I know this I forget it from time to time only to be afforded a reminder by way of, "Oops, I shouldn't have given that to her in here". That's not the only thing. The other is that you can't do anything about it once you've introduced said delight and handed it over to the 'Experimental One', needless to say you're kind of involved as you're the Driver.
     It is at this point that I am very thankful that we have an arsenal of natural cleaning products at home to disinfect, dissolve, degrease, and otherwise restore equilibrium to the interior of my car. It is also nice that the makers of childrens' car seats make the covers so easily removable and machine washable. Thank you!! These little 'nicetys', for me, keep me on the functional side of sanity. I can only imagine what it be might be like for parents who own little ones And Brand New Vehicles. That would be a lesson in Extreme Letting Go.
     The funny thing about being a parent to little people is that the cleaning is ongoing. The 'shift' never really ends, you just get to choose, for the most part, how often, and how Deep the 'Deep Cleaning' is, except when they decide for you. :) Humor, humor, and........"Did I mention Humor?"

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.

Shayla in Summer Dress and Hat

Wow was it hard to get these photos! She doesn't really stay still for anything anymore. I can take shots on the sly, but they may not be straight on as then she'll see the camera. She thinks it's her personal mission not to allow still shots. Oh well, a blurry shot may be better than no shot at all. In the shots above:
  It's Summer Couture for Shayla Rose, running amok with a summer dress on and sporting a cowgirl hat.

Ice Cream at Ruta Maya

While Mommy was getting her chiropractic adjustment Shayla and I went on over to Ruta Maya for some refreshing scoops of Amy's Mexican Vanilla. At 5:00pm. today here in Austin, Texas it's still a blazing 103*F. So we sat in the shade of the porch that patrons and non-patrons alike enjoy and scarfed down our Quickly melting Austin based ice cream delight! Yuuummm!!

Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.