Montessori in the Making

My friend Liz is planning on starting a Montessori school at her house in the Fall. Shayla and I made a trip over to her place today to see how her progress is coming, and to talk to her about the potentiality of Shayla attending. Here are a few photos from our visit.

Is Our Kid Really Learning How to Love on our Family Cat Properly?!

Well,...we're getting closer. While taking these pictures Shayla was really good about Not clamping down on Munchkin, as with a vise grip, in order to hold her hostage for lovin'. However as Shayla enjoyed this freewill affection from cat to human, the honeymoon was soon over, as the tide had changed and Munchkin wanted to get up. Shayla deemed that it was not time for that, so I had to step in and liberate our household feline before my child's love for this animal turned into pain for the animal. I must say here that our household pet is extremely docile and she would allow our child to nearly strangle her to death than to ever initiate a hurtful action towards any child. Hence, I, The Savior of cats, one of my necessary 'hats', perform a very vital role for this establishment. We Are getting closer though. Stay Tuned.

A Sampling of Shayla's Loot from One Afternoon

....of One Day from One of her Grandmas. Seriously, this kid Rakes it In. You'd think there were at least two kids living here if you looked in our storage space. Sorry grandmas, there's only room for so much in her room. Shayla has to live somewhere... We're about ready for one of those portable storage units outside our place. :-)
   I've always heard that girls have more 'stuff' than boys, but ....this is Serious. I am aware that this Nothing....Yet. I Love It.

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