Hope in The Giving Nature of Children

As I sit here in our backyard letting the sprinkler run for the sake of my 3 yr. old daughter's frolicking fun I witnessed an act that helps to restore my sometimes lackluster faith in The Loving Nature of Humanity.
A little boy within months of her age it appeared who lives in a house who's yard backs up against our own was in his back yard running around with his young and excited pit bull puppy when he noticed all the watery fun that my daughter was having running through our sprinkler in the hot, incandescent heat of this Central Texas Summer day. He approached the fence and ran up and down it's planked expansiveness clacking his stick as he ran as a kind of smoke signal communication between friends that have not yet met. My daughter was instantly curious of course, at which point she started saying "Hi" to him from our side of the manmade partition. They exchanged words that I could not hear over the perpetual din of the AC unit sitting on it's pad behind my chair.
The next thing I know she trotted over to me with this sparkly piece of art grasped in wet fingers while she excitedly belted out, "Look, look daddy what that kid gave to me"!
"He gave it to you, huh?", I said.
"Yeah, he did!"
"Okay, well how do you know he wasn't just showing it to you?"
"Because He said it was mine."
"Okay. Good enough. Did you get his name?"
"Did you tell him yours?"
"Well alright then (smiling and half chuckling)."
To me, this little occurrence was a symbol that even though all that has gone on Has gone on in mankind's history that the Human Spirit is still beautifully alive in it's core: Still innocent, clean, and pure. It's beautiful to see and of course no surprise that Childrenkind are the Torch Bearers.

Blessings From Grandma Joan

Thanks to Grandma Joan!! Joan visits us often and NEVER has come empty handed!!
The above pictures are just a small sampling of the frequent showering of gifts from the 'Stork of The Grocery Store'. It's so much at times that we occasionally have to turn a few things down simply because we cannot fit it all into the refrigerator. It's a Blessing of Blessings that she is such a Generous Spirit!! Thank You Grandma Joan for being such a Cornucopia of Generosity, Love, and Sharing to My Family!! I cannot say it or mention it often enough.
Heaven holds a special place for people like you I have No Doubt.
God Bless You.

Water and Sound

Shayla was really grooving on the effects of sound inside this kind of mushroom like water feature at the park. She was hooting, hollering, singing and screaming inside of it. It was fun to watch! :-) The whole cadre of little girls were lovin' it!!