Shayla Has Once Again Shocked Me With Her Lightning Fast Development

So I returned home yesterday to find that my 3 1/2 year old daughter had once again jumped into her hyperdrive development capsule while I was gone. I was greeted at the door by a miniature Thoreau that spoke the common English of our day. I can hardly believe how polished her grammar can become in four days time. If she doesn't slow down she will no doubt pass me by in record time, but that may happen in any case. I think I'm going to have to go back to school just to keep up. I am a happy daddy.

Observing My Daughter Today

I realized today, in observing my three year old daughter playing and interacting with her four year old cousin Garret that I, or we I should say have to make a point of making this interaction more of a regular occurrence. Up to now I think that we have known that it is a necessity that our daughter has these kind of peer to peer interactions going on in her life on a regular basis, but they need to be A Lot more regular than we have been making them! There is also something about these kinds of relationships taking place in the Family that is of Primary Importance. Friends are exceedingly important, but family is even more so, in my estimation. Family is where one should be able to go when one has been 'wounded' so that those 'wounds' can be 'licked' to Wholeness. Family is often a place where our faults are known, yet also hopefully a place where we are taken in despite those faults as long as we are willing to get over ourselves long enough to be loved by those who have seen us at our best and probably our worst. It is a tough thing to allow to happen when our pride is strong, and that pride has to be swallowed a little. (Okay, enough about me. Now back to my daughter.)
Seeing her so joyfully playing with her cousin Garret today, and the both of them running around holding hands whenever they could really brought tears to my Heart at the time, and it brings tears to my eyes now, as I am writing this because it is a really Beautiful Thing to witness: the beginning of perhaps a long friendship which could help them both very much in years to come. Who knows?..Perhaps. One thing that I do know is that it was beautiful to watch, and it made me realize that One of the many ways that I can help her succeed in Life is to consciously pepper her reality with the seeds of those beneficial inter-familial relationships that may very well enrich her life in ways that I cannot now even fathom and I am so thankful for them and for that. Long Live Our Family. Thank You God. May You Bless Them All, Each and Every One.
May We All Be Deeply Happy and Fulfilled.