Play Date Success!

We are happy to report that Shayla's play date today seemed to go very well. The three kids laughed, played and fought a little. Yep, seems about right.

We are looking forward to many more with this family.

Praise The Lord! We Have Set Up Our First Summer Play-date For Later This Afternoon!

Please forgive me if the title sounds sacrilegious at first glance. It's not meant to be. What is meant is to convey the relief I feel at the likelihood of setting up my daughter with a potential BFF for this Summer Season and beyond, as well perhaps. I love my daughter like no one else in my life. Little girls always hold a special place in their Daddy's heart--that goes without saying for any of you who know (*wink*+*smile*). It is also a fact that when they are little and so full of energy that you have to supply them with cohorts their own age so that they can release and express some of this boundless energy in ways that are natural to them: creative, active, fully engaging play with friends their own age. There is only so much play with mommy and daddy that they OR mommy and daddy can take. Also, playing solo will only take them so far.

Our girl: she is a Social Being and has let us know this from day 1. Barring the desire to birth a brother or sister into the world we have opted instead to increase her 'friendship pool'.

Mommy and daddy have been lazy, but we are back on our game, starting today. We are turning over a new leaf of commitment to the process and as such have been able to schedule a new Playmate Connection with one of her best friends from her Pre-K class this last year.

Her first Summer Play Date will commence at 2pm this afternoon. Yay! Hopefully, there may be many more to follow with this friend of hers.

You may applaud (out loud or internally); it would be appropriate. Yay! Wish us and her good fortune....

Thank you. :)

A Small 5 Year Old's Catastrophe Averted, Thankfully.

This morning... 

I awaken to what I think is my daughter whimpering in the other room "help me....mommy, help me.......Help me." I race in there to find that she has accidentally lodged herself halfway inside of this long cardboard box. She is holding herself up with her hands which are facing forward, palms on the coffee table with the rest of her body shot out in front of her inside the box in this painfully outstretched angle. Her arms are wobbly and starting to give way while she is desperately trying to prevent a small calamity. I rush over and rescue her. She is silently grateful for a few moments, then she realizes that she has made it out ok and the relief hits her. She doesn't cry, but she is respectfully silent.

"Wow. I sure am glad that I heard you", I say.
"Me too", she says.
I go on:
"There ARE predicaments that you can get yourself into that are really hard to get yourself out of without someone else's help. That's why we have to be extra careful of the things that we do on our own without someone else's presence. Our bodies are still subject to the laws of the physical world even if our minds are not."