The Floor and All Places Filthy

What is it that toddlers find so inspiring about filth? I wonder about this as I watch my little girl go for all things nasty. If it's not laying down face first on a concrete floor of the local dive it's trying to peel old, blackened and hardened gum off of the same. Then there's the role of resident trash collector that she adopts or doggie poop picker-uper. Whoa, Stop already!!! No, but the list goes on.
     Seriously, she could be like a detective for finding dead things. If the city gave out cash prizes, like lotto money, for finding the most disgusting items, our little warrior would see to it that her parents financial gambit would be over, as in 'No Mas'! Seeing as how this is not the case we invent our own little trophies of vocal accalaide as she brings us her little finds with her golden question, "What's THAT"? When do little girls separate themselves from their apeish cousins--little boys--and decide that getting down in the filth is not for them? Lurking in the back of my mind there's always the thought, "Honey, we had tomboy". No, not quite a lizard, a tomboy. A lizard is a few steps down the staircase.
     All kidding aside, I Usually catch her before she grabs those items that require total sanitization of fingers, palms, and forearms, but not Always. So far, fingers crossed, this has been the case for yarded gifts from our nieghborhood's four legged furry friends, but there have been a few close calls on that one. :) I just look forward to the day when I will not have to walk around with a wet rag within arm's reach or hanging out of my back pocket. When she discovers, for real, that potties are for going to the bathroom, drinking glasses are not For turning upside down, and filthy things do not need to be picked up, squished, smelled, or oherwise manipulated I will be overjoyed. I will probably pee my own pants when she looks up at me and says, "Daddy, Ooh that's gross, somebody should clean that up".
     I am relishing this time for what it is, but I will Willingly with zest and verve, cellebrate each and every baby step towards socialized conditioning. Looking back I'm sure that this time will seem to have passed far too quickly, no doubt, but yet all the same I am still excited for the changes to come. My Beautiful Baby Girl, I Love Her SO MUCH. :)

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.