Mommy is in School Everyday

Christina is now in school every evening after she gets off work 'till about 9p.m. This means that she doesn't get home until almost 10p.m. Shayla will only see her on the weekends for this whole month. Poor baby. We'll get through it,but there's nothing like having a little son or daughter to keep your Heart supple where you might otherwise just toughen up to the necessities of life. God Bless the Children for keeping us in Touch with the Gentle side of human nature.

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First Poo in Kiddie Toilet...Very Exciting!

Two days ago Shayla actually went to the bathroom in her kiddie toilet. It was very exciting. Just to be moving in the direction of her acquiring her own bathroom skills--albeit it will not happen for several more years in full--was a great lift for her mother and I.
 I caught her playing in the front yard beginning to cop a squat at one point with that look of conscious strain. I knew what was up,so I asked her if she had to go. She said"yes", so we went into the bathroom and sat on the potty. I t happened right away.(I had caught her at the precise moment.) It was just a smidgen of a specimen but a victory nonetheless! An extra bonus was that she did not even try to play with it,which in the past it was apparent that she would not be squeamish about such activity. Fortunately she has not been overly drawn to playing in the adult potty;however we have not left her in the bathroom by herself for any length of time as curiosity would invariably win out
 I am looking forward to the dawning in her little mind that she does not HAVE TO share her diaper with her biological refuse! It has not happened yet,but....we are looking forward with smiles for the day when her little feminine sense of cleanliness kicks in,at least in the personal sense. "OOOOhhhhh! Yukkkky!" :)  :) !!!