Spring Break...A Small Family's Vacation

It's been really great having the whole family(Christi,Myself,and Shayla)at home together for the entire week! What an excellent reprieve from the usual hectic (Mommy's) schedule. While Christina has been in school every nite and working during the day as well,Shayla has been wondering who ran off with her mother. My aim is to be the best father I can,but there is no replacing of the maternal influence no matter how hard one tries. So,to have us all here together has been grand! :)

 Feed your Head good things...

NO is the Word...

My daughter has now embarked on a new campaign. The campaign can succinctly be put, "No". If there is any doubt.."No" is the word she utters. It's funny and not so funny at the same time. When you ask her if it's time to change her diaper she'll sometimes say "Yes",but it's inadvertently followed on it's heels by "No"as if you've tricked her into saying yes while she was distracted by/with something. There are other ways,many of them in fact,that she exercises her will. One of those is picture taking. "No", I don't want to look at the camera while you snap endless shots of me for my personal glorification! Why? Because I can.
 Aaaahhh yes, she has discovered her will. :) Excellent :) Welcome.
 She is,however,a Blessed gift in all her attributes.......even if I want to pull my hair out at times.

 "Peace Begins Inside"