Our 4 y.o. daughter Loves balloons! She keeps them until they totally run out of air. This would be fine, but unf...

Our 4 y.o. daughter Loves balloons! She keeps them until they totally run out of air. This would be fine, but unfortunately they are tied to ribbons with hard plastic 'weights' on the other end of the ribbon. These are cute and sweet, but suppose a substantial risk for adult living room accidents as it's extremely easy to get caught up in one of these on the way to the couch. Even as you 'brush' the balloon out of the way the ribbon is wrapping around your leg, and god forbid you would try to navigate these quickly as in 'a dash'! What fun. I retire them as I'm able, but have to be careful not to take them out of rotation to early lest I disturb the homeostasis of 'The Princess'. It's not really all that bad, but there IS a 'move' to it. 